Discover the Facts About Foster PARENTING
There are many myths, misconceptions, and mistaken ideas about foster parenting. Please keep these facts in mind as you consider granting a local child’s wish for a loving foster home:
FACT: You may rent or own your home, and you definitely don’t have to be rich. It’s the size of your heart – not your paycheck – that matters most.
FACT: Foster parents receive support in a variety of ways and become part of a community of professionals and other foster parents with a heart for children. Support provided to foster parents includes:
- Foster parents receive a monthly board payment to help cover of the cost of caring for their foster children;
- Foster parents work with a Child Advocate (caseworker) who visits the child at least once a month, helps obtain services for the child, and ensures that the child’s needs are being met;
- Foster parents have a Home Support Specialist through their licensing agency to assist with any issues that arise;
- Foster parents receive 12 days of paid respite care, when a foster child stays with another foster family;
- Foster parents receive childcare for their foster children at little or no cost;
- Foster children receive Medicaid to cover healthcare costs, as well counseling and additional therapies as necessary; and
- Many foster children are also assigned a Guardian Ad Litem or Attorney Ad litem to advocate for their best interest in court.
The Foster and Adoptive Parent Association (FAPA) also provides support to fellow foster and adoptive parents. In Broward County, FAPA meets at 7 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Plantation Community Church, 6501 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation. In Palm Beach County, contact FAPA at 561.352.2540 for more information on support services.
FACT: For people who feel called to open their hearts and homes as foster parents, the rewards of foster parenting far outweigh the challenges. Like any parenting, foster parenting can be truly difficult at times. But the incredible impact that you can have as a foster parent is priceless.